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类别 动效设计
工具 After Effects / Premiere Pro
时间 2课时 约5小时 / 每项目
项目年份 2021 / 大二
项目类型 校内项目

01 Prada Campaign
A motion campaign solution for Prada runway SS2021

Inspirations drew from the ready to wear collection that season, with strong reference to the eccentric and playful details on the garments.

Follows the iconic Prada aesthetic, including its monochromatic palette, minimalistic elegance, and the futuristic yet retrospective timelessness.
整体风格遵循标志性的 Prada 美学,包括黑白灰单色色调、简约优雅,以及未来主义和复古之间的碰撞。

02 Van Gogh Museum
Inspiration drew from my memory of seeing the "Almond Blossom" in the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam.

The opening scene captures the view of river banks and neighborhoods in the Amsterdam, while the very last scene documents the ticket of the museum that I kept at age of 10.

03 Other Motion projects
Some mini projects generated from After Effects and Premiere. Most of them aim to explore the relation between sound track and motion visuals.
这是一些通过 After Effects 和 Premiere 制作的迷你动效。旨在探索音轨变化和视觉效果之间的氛围关系。

以上动效是使用 After Effects 和 Premiere Pro 制作的,我擅长快速自学设计工具,满足不同项目的需求。
这个项目体现我 “能够从美学角度理解产品调性”、“勇于探索不同视觉表达形式” 的工作能力。

校内项目 | 2020
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