Project Info
类型 App UI 设计
工具 Figma
时间 5-8 小时
创作年份 2022 / 大三
作品类别 校内作业
Academic Project | 2022
App Design
News App
A news App with a specific aesthetic, designed for young audience.
* 这个项目体现了我 “注重页面细节”、“统一审美调性” 、“解决限制条件” 的工作能力 *
This is an academic project that help us to get familiar with App design. I was assigned to explore the user flow of YouTube.
UI Design
Home Screen
Home screen contains cards of scrollable news articles. Each article is labeled with tags and reading time estimations.
Home Screen
All articles are designed in the same pattern or style, with different zine names listed on the top.
Academic News
This is a display of an Academic news article. The layout and graphic approach is aimed to portray a clean, rational, and readable style.
Popular Article
This is a fashion topic article. We treat this kind of articles with italic typefaces, bright purple color palette, and dynamic user interaction.
Activist Poem
This is an Activist poem. It came with an audio mp4 file. We designed this page with a dark mode, tap-to-play audio files, and bold topic line.
End of Page
Easy connection to other articles at the end of every page. With zine names, article topic, and a few summary lines.