Hotel App
User Analysis
Business Analysis
Analyze 110+ million user data to tackle conversion rates for a hotel app.
Meituan is a leading Chinese e-commerce platform founded in 2010, with 110 million users worldwide. Meituan's hotel group, similar to Booking and Expedia, provides comprehensive services to China's hospitality industry.
The product design team aims to grasp Meituan Hotels' presence among students and strategically advertise to them on the app. In my internship's later phase, I researched student demographics and post-graduation spending shifts independently.
Meituan Hotels has a high penetration rate among the students. After graduation, students tend to migrate toward higher price tiers.​
We selected users who graduated between 2019 and 2022, have verified their student status on Meituan, and have made transactions on Meituan Hotels. For each graduation year, we collected transaction and traffic metrics for the four years surrounding graduation (N-2, N-1, N+1, N+2) and broke down the data by nights stayed and ADR.
We also included a control group of general Meituan Hotel users and potential student users, applying the same data extraction logic. The three groups were compared over the same period, minimizing the impact of external factors such as the pandemic.
After completing the logical framework, we used the company's internal SQL database to extract data and perform calculations, providing conclusions and business recommendations for product designers.
High-value users should be targeted from a young age. Focus on the location of their university while they are still in school. After graduation, shift attention to the city where they attend work.
Core Conclusion
Meituan Hotel has a high penetration rate among students. However, after graduation, students tend to migrate toward higher price tiers and shifting to other platforms.
After entering the workforce, students from Top 20 universities often relocate to high developed cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hangzhou, or enter the technology and finance industries, showing potential for higher ADR (Average Daily Rate).
The key transition point in a student’s life stage is not the traditional graduation time, but when they start intern or working.​​​
Project Info
Business Analysis
Project Team
Jaki Li
Bingqing Xie
Jiaying Wu
Xiangyu Luo
Han Yao
Yu Zhang
Yuxin Zhang
Qianqian Li
Julia Du
Accenture Venture Capital
Business Analysis